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近日,The General Office of the Ministry of Education announced the list of comprehensive reform and high-quality construction projects to improve the quality of ideological and political work in colleges and universities in 2024,Our school "From the perspective of positive psychology" "Three-in-one" psychological education model construction "was successfully selected as the quality project,The project construction period is 2 years,Funding of 100,000 yuan,Achieved the breakthrough of zero evaluation of this project in our school。

Guided by positive psychology, the project forms an educational system that closely integrates cognitive adjustment, emotional experience and behavioral training through the integration of educational resources, the optimization of consultation mechanism and the expansion of practice platform。This move not only focuses on cultivating students' positive attitude and quality, and promotes the overall growth of students, but also has great significance in promoting the innovation and development of psychological education in colleges and universities, and lays a solid foundation for cultivating excellent talents with physical and mental health and strong social adaptability。

The selection of the Ministry of Education excellent project is not only the affirmation of our school's long-term in-depth exploration and practice in the field of psychological education, but also the recognition of our school's remarkable achievements in improving the quality of ideological and political work。The school will take this opportunity to continue to deepen the research and practice of psychological education, constantly explore and innovate educational models and methods, and provide students with more comprehensive and effective mental health education and services。At the same time, the school will also actively promote the results of psychological education experience to help more students grow into all-round talents。

Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012